Friday Flashback: VHS Tapes and TV Shows in the 90’s and 00’s

Brandon's VHS Tapes for TV Shows

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Brandon's VHS Tapes for TV Shows

Photo: Brandon

Brandon’s VHS Tapes for TV Shows

Here’s what’s left of the VHS tapes I used to record TV shows in the 1990s and 2000s. A couple of the tapes probably date to the mid-1990s. This was an age pre-DVR where they basically do everything for you, where jokes abounded about the flashing 12 on the VCR clock. Back in the day, I used to have two VCRs to record TV shows when I wasn’t home. Oftentimes there were two shows I was interested in that aired at the same time (to be clear I didn’t say they were *good* shows!). So I had a pretty elaborate plan for swapping tapes and recording the shows. I also used the “expensive” “HiFi” tapes because my plan was to use the tapes quite a bit. There’s noticeably more magnetic media on the high-end tapes than some of the lower end tapes I used as everyone raced toward the bottom at the turn of the century.

In clearing through my storage unit I ran across these tapes. I just erased them and am throwing them away—if I want to watch those shows again, I can buy them on DVD or as a digital file. The quality will be much better, and the media are still accessible.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]