
Lab Room | Apparatus Map | Accelerometer | Frequency Response | It can be shown that . . .

It can be shown that . . .

The governing equation of the primary transducer is given by:

The general solution to a second order differential equation is:


In Equation 1", the homogeneous solution represents the transient response of the system to the introduction of the periodic motion. The particular solution represents the long-term (steady-state) solution. In this case, we only find the particular solution using the method of undetermined coefficients. Guess the solution of the form:


Take the first and second derivatives of Equation 2" yields:

(3")      and                               

Substituting Equation 2", Equation 3" and Equation 4" into Equation 3:


Sorting the terms in Equation 4" yields:


The cos[[Omega]]t term must equal zero for this equation to be true, and the sin[[Omega]]t coefficients on both sides must equal each other. This leaves:

(6")       and               

Combining Equation 6" and Equation 7" to solve for C and D yields:

(8")        and                       

We can now substitute Equation 8" and Equation 9" into:

but we want a solution of the form:

Algebraic manipulation gives the amplitude response as:


The phase response is given by:


Rearranging Equation 11" gives:


Last Updated: January 16, 2000, beam@bits.me.berkeley.edu
Copyright © 1993-1995, 2000, Pamela A. Eibeck and Brandon Muramatsu
Original WWW Conversion by Winston Wang, 1994
WWW ReConversion by Brandon Muramtasu, 2000