Mobile Data–How much do I need?


I’ve been holding on to my unlimited 3G on my AT&T iPhone and iPad as a hedge against my usage patterns changing (like say streaming Netflix–oh right, there’s nothing there to watch) and wanting to use that much data. On a long 3-day weekend with only my iPad I’ve used on the order of 600MB. So a 2GB dataplan for $25 versus my Unlimited for $29.99 would save me money.

On average I use 80MB of data on my iPhone per month, with a high of 282 since August 2007. And here too I could downgrade to a 200MB per month plan for $15 versus my Unlimited for $30.

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Brandon's iPhone Data Usage

Source: Brandon/AT&T

Brandon's iPhone Data Usage

So, really I could downgrade my data plans–if I trusted AT&T  to not screw me later, but nobody believes that won’t happen.

(This article on Mobile Data Usage Exploding, gave me the idea to write this post.)[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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  1. […] NPD: Android users chew an average 870MB of cellular data per month, youngest gobble the most: I’ll be interested to see what my usage is on my iPhone 5 now that I have LTE. (I’ve written before about my iPhone data usage.) […]

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