Posts of the Week for August 8, 2011

Sign with Exclamation Point

Slow week this week.

  • Sharing My Kindle Highlights: I’ve been following VC Ron Wilson’s blog for the last couple weeks. He recently posted on a new feature of’s Kindle platform–the ability to view and share the highlight’s you’ve made in a Kindle book. FINALLY! One of the features I thought was missing when I first started reading books on the Kindle platform (I read them on my iPad) was ANY ability for me to access the text of my highlights. If felt to me like the highlighting and notes features were only half-baked without an ability to export them. I hope it was due to publisher reluctance rather than a lack of investment in the software of the platform. In any event I can now get access to my own highlights, and share them out.

    (AVC, August 6, 2011)

  • What Designers Need to Know About Typography: A nice summary of the characteristics of typography–serif vs. sans serif and leading, kerning and spacing.

    (StartupDigest Design, August 5, 2011)