Ignite Boston 7

Part of Global Ignite week, Ignite Boston 7…best thing…some of the quotes.

Looking for clothing for the non-sexy librarian? Searching in second life adds “sexy” to every search

— @lispardi

stannenb #gigbos Bad karma comes from using Keynote in a Microsoft meeting room

— @stannenb

tezcatlipoca Book swap is mildly amusing but not really ;) next time make people beat each other with sticks. #gigbos

— @tezcatlipoca

nilsjk The house in Pixar’s movie “Up” is really an example of… wait for it… “cloud-based architecture”. Ha HA! #gigbos

— @nilsjk

This, basically sums it all up…

kmp Ignite Boston – some of this pretty good. Some… not. #gigbos

— @kmp