Photo Archiving

So, I’ve been doing a bit of organizing and realized that I didn’t have a backup for my photos scanned in 2000-2002. It took me about an hour to copy the photos from the PhotoCDs to my hard drive, and then make duplicate copies on a couple of hard drives. All in all a good idea.

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Film? What's that?

Source: pineapplebun/flickr, by-nc-sa

Film? What's that?

An interesting observation…There were something like 44 rolls of 35mm film I had scanned during the photo developing process. Guess how much space all of those photos take up? About 540MB.

Now adays, the photos from my digital camera use that much space for the equivalent of 8 rolls of film. Of course my new photos are 3456 × 2304 instead of 1536 × 1024, so about 4 times bigger pixel-wise. And, at the time the photo developers scanned those photos, I’m sure they figured they were giving the customers way more than they needed. (Of course each PhotoCD only used 20% of it’s capacity so they could’ve included much higher resolution scans.)

Just an interesting observation.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]