Fall 2009 TV Shows

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Photo Credit: @aaronescobar/flickr, Fair Use

So, I have a confession, I like watching TV. I always have. Sure, when I was growing up I could’ve done any number of things after school or on the weekend. But what did I do? I watched TV.

Since 2002 I’ve been creating a spreadsheet to keep track of the TV shows I’m interested in watching. In July or August I create the spreadsheet for the Fall premiers in September. I’m getting started a bit earlier this year.

I ran across this article, “Fall TV cheat sheet: What’s in? What’s out?,” and it’s got a list of what’s expected to be renewed for Fall 2009.

Interestingly I was thinking about a series of posts for my favorite TV shows/series just a couple days ago. I even have a starter post written, but I don’t have the time now to keep writing it.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]