From ASME San Francisco Section Nov/Dec 1997 Newsletter:

College Corner
Greetings from California Maritime Academy, U.C. Berkeley, and San Francisco State University

California Maritime Academy

Greetings from The California Maritime Academy (CMA). We have embarked into yet another school year and ASME has planned a pizza party to welcome the new and old members, as well as to increase awareness of our student section of The American Society of Engineers. We have a variety of activities planned for this year which include: Tours of companies within the San Francisco and San Jose Bay area, Dinners with guest speakers, resume and job interview workshops, a trip to physics day at Great America, as well as a school wide engineering design competition. We are currently planning a resume book that will be sold prospective to recruiters. Since the California Maritime Academy is a small University, we hope to collaborate with bigger local sections for sharing of new ideas and thoughts. We have many exciting plans for this school year and I look forward to it with much anticipation.

As the newly appointed President, I am dedicated to increase the student membership and involvement at the California Maritime Academy with the full awareness of the financial hardship of the student section. The leadership team is hard at work planning fund-raisers and other revenue increasing activities. We welcome your suggestions and comments. Feel free to contact Gene Ellis, ASME President at (707)-451-8163 or e-mail

U.C. Berkeley

Greetings from U.C. Berkeley! The student section here is continuing a busy semester this month with intramural sports and our third general meeting, featuring Stryker Endoscopy. In October, ASME finished off a great intramural indoor soccer season by winning the championship in a three round playoff. We also had fun playing broomball and participating in impromptu design contests at U.C. Berkeley's Engineers' Day. We also hosted our Second Annual Student-Professor Dinner, which was a great success. As we head toward the end of the semester, and as students begin preparing for finals, ASME will hold a study break to give students a chance to relax a little before they take their exams.

It's been a great semester, and ASME has a few more exciting events planned before everyone goes home for winter break. If you have any comments or suggestions for the U.C. Berkeley ASME, or if your company would like to buy a resume book, feel free to contact us at or at (510) 642-5549.

San Francisco State University

Hello All,
Once again the campus is buzzing with the excitement of a new semester. Those of us involved with the SFSU student chapter of ASME are very excited about what we planned for this year. Topping our list is a dedication to increasing student awareness by involving all genders, races, and ages in several auxiliary activities. We had over forty members attend our first meeting, and the numbers are looking even better for the next meeting. We are anxiously working on obtaining tours for NUMI, MUNI, Applied Materials, and Stanfords Co Gen and Linear Accelerator Facilities. We are also organizing a career fair to be held in January. We are off to a great start and are looking forward to seeing what the rest of the year will bring.

-Greg King II
 Chair SFSU student chapter

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