ME 39C - Multimedia in Engineering

Panel Briefing Sheet

Final Project: Design a Multimedia Case Study in Engineering

The goal of the final project is for the students to synthesize the topics we discussed in class to create a own multimedia case study on an engineering, mechatronics, or history of technology topic. Keep in mind that the students are required to meet the specifications listed below.


* Topic must be related to engineering, mechatronics, or history of technology

* End user should be assumed to be a college/university level student

* All of your cards should have a consistent look and feel

* If you are working on a larger project in conjunction with another group, the look and feel should be consistent between the groups

* If appropriate, link to at least one other project or existing case study

* Five (5) page/card/screen minimum

* Link at least 1 digitized image, drawing, or movie

* Suggested fonts: serif for text and sans serif for titles (on the Mac - Palatino and Helvetica, on the IBM Times New Roman and Arial -- true type)

* Put something from your case study on your Mosaic Home Page (e.g., as an example of something you have done in the class)