CaPRéT: Cut and Paste Reuse Tracking Tool

Teachers and students cut and paste text from OER sites all the time—usually that’s where the story ends. The OER site doesn’t know what text was cut, nor how it might be used. Enter CaPRéT: Cut and Paste Reuse Tracking. OER sites that are CaPRéT-enabled can now better understand how their content is being used.

When a user cuts and pastes text from a CaPRéT-enabled site:

  • The user gets the text as originally cut, and if their application supports the pasted text will also automatically include attribution and licensing information.
  • The OER site can also track what text was cut, allowing them to better understand how users are using their site.

I conceived of, designed and managed the development of CaPRéT.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Office of Educational Innovation and Technology

Key Collaborators: Justin Ball* (Tatemae)

Funding Source: JISC CETIS (United Kingdom)