Brandon Muramatsu builds connections at the intersection of learning, technology, innovation and scale. His work focuses on online and digital learning to improve teaching and learning with a focus on open education. He has been involved in the development of learning technologies and education technologies, curriculum and course development, open education / open educational resources and educational digital libraries over the last 25+ years. His work has a focus on engineering and STEM education, both nationally and internationally, and at all education levels.
Brandon Muramatsu leads the design and implementation of local, national and international strategic education initiatives at MIT for MIT Open Learning, and he consults on open education and educational innovation and technology.
New Year Photos 2006
Personal, Photo Page, PhotographyWhere am I from?
PersonalI’m proud of my 3,000th tweet!
Personal, ProfessionalNSF figures out how to support it’s own educational communities and resources
ProfessionalFriday Funny: tar
FridayEDC-Pakistan Online Teacher Education Project
Conferences, MIT, PortfolioChemistry Bridge
Current, MIT, Portfolio, Softwarei2.002 Mechanics and Materials II
Course Support, Current, MIT, PortfolioIAP Workshops
Current, MIT, PortfolioConversations on Quality
Conferences, MIT, Portfolio