muraPOI: November 7, 2012

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  • Teaching Metacognition to Improve Student Learning: Maryellen Weimer’s summary of
    Kimberly Tanner’s article on “Promoting Student Metacognition“.

    To get things started, we might ask students to address these two questions before class:

    • How have I prepared for class today?
    • What questions do I have?

    And then post exams, asking students to answer:

    • Why did I miss those exam questions?
    • What do I need to do to avoid missing questions like these on the next exam?

    (via Faculty Focus, October 31, 2012)

  • APGAR for Class Meetings: At his OpenEd 2012 keynote Gardner Campbell revisited his notion of the Apgar for class meetings. In his 2006 blog post he writes:

    “What if we could generate an “Apgar” for each class meeting? Here’s my idea. At the beginning of the class, students would assign themselves a score based on questions like these:

    1. Did you read the material for today’s class meeting carefully?
      No=0, Yes, once=1, Yes, more than once=2
    2. Did you come to class today with questions or with items you’re eager to discuss?
      No=0, Yes, one=1, Yes, more than one=2
    3. Since we last met, did you talk at length to a classmate or classmates about either the last class meeting or today’s meeting?
      No=0, Yes, one person=1, Yes, more than one person=2
    4. Since our last meeting, did you read any unassigned material related to this course of study?
      No=0, Yes, one item=1, Yes, more than one item=2
    5. Since our last class meeting, how much time have you spent reflecting on this course of study and recent class meetings?
      None to 29 minutes=0, 30 minutes to an hour=1, over an hour=2

    In many ways, he’s just asking the question, “Are the students prepared?”

I think both of these ideas mesh very well with one another, and certainly have given me food for thought.