muraPOI: November 10, 2012

  • Things Great Engineers (almost) Never Say: Dave Fecak at dZone suggests a series of statements, the ones I like are:

    “I’ve used _____ but I have no idea how it works” and
    “______ works, I just don’t know how to explain it”

    “There is no solution”

    (via dZone, October 2012)

  • 12 Guidelines for Deciding When to Persist, When to Quit: An interesting set of questions to consider.

    (via LinkdedIn, October 2012)

  • Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good Code?:

    “Code is subject to all kinds of pressures and design compromises, big and small, in the real world.”

    “Systems that were poorly designed only get worse – but … systems that were well-designed can actually get better over time.”

    (via dZone, October 2012)