About OEIT: The Office of Educational Innovation and Technology


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What does OEIT do?

The Office of Educational Innovation and Technology (OEIT) at MIT develops and implements innovative learning technologies, anchored and driven by MIT faculty, to improve learning and teaching at MIT. OEIT develops tools and supporting pedagogies in collaboration with MIT faculty that are sustainable and scalable.

OEIT works at three levels.

  1. Small scale projects with individual faculty, or for single courses to implement technology to enhance teaching and learning. (Examples: 3.003, Russian History)
  2. Consulting and expert guidance to help faculty/teams implement their own projects, to transition between class-teaching-software/tools-research, to link between departments/universities, or to scale up projects from one faculty to a department or all of MIT. (Examples: NB, MITCET projects, ARTEMiS)
  3. Deep involvement in the development and implementation of learning technologies that have reach across MIT. (Examples: STAR projects)

What are OEIT’s strengths?

  • Collaborative working relationship with faculty across MIT.
  • Experience and expertise in implementing a wide variety of learning technologies from individual tools, to curricula, to enterprise services.
  • Understanding of contemporary and cutting edge learning technologies worldwide.
  • Leadership in Open Education.

(I wrote this up a few weeks ago, and thought I’d share it here…)[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]