muraPOI: October 1, 2011

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  • Minimum Viable Personality: FAKE GRIMLOCK (@fakegrimlock) FTW. I’ve been reading Fred Wilson’s blog for about a month now. This post is pure gold.



    — ‘<

    (A VC, September 30, 2011)

  • Building a mobile app? Here are 6 tips for you: My takeaway from this article by Erica Ogg is hybrid HTML5/iOS might be ok. I’ve been noodling on a project to recreate Java-based mathlets/applets in HTML5. But we’d also like a monetization mechanism–subscriptions via HTML5 or $0.99-like in-app purchases in iOS. The $0.99 price seems to be more “modern” (even with the 30% Apple tax).

    (StartupDigest Mobile, September 30, 2011)

  • Results: iOS Game Revenue Survey: Potentially interesting results.

    (StartupDigest Mobile, September 30, 2011)

  • How Zynga Makes Money: There’s something about this company that feels slimy and makes me really dislike it, but they are making money. A lot of money.

    (StartupDigest Social, September 30, 2011)

  • Becoming a CEO. Yeah, I suck.: Matt Mireless engages in self-reflection.

    It’s about what the company does, how we perform as a group. My job is to create an organization that is better than me. My job is to hire world-class people to do all the stuff I’m not world-class at. And to make sure that they make this company kick ass and take names.

    — Matt Mireless

    (StartupDigest, September 30, 2011)

  • How should a person negotiate for the purchase of a domain name that is not parked?: I’ve been approached a time or two to sell a domain name I own, and have been 2% interested in buying other domain names. Some good advice here, and combined with my experiences namely, get a sense of the value from a 3rd party and don’t lowball the offer, say why you’re doing it (addresses fear), and say your financial limitations. Personally for just a cool name, I’m willing to spend multiples of the annual registration price. For a project name, if it’s crucial, I’d be willing to consider more.

    (StartupDigest, September 23, 2011)

  • Elements Of A Viral Launch Page: Gonna put this one into practice next week.

    (StartupDigest Design, September 21, 2011)