Safari Extensions

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Apple’s Safari web browser recently added the ability to have extensions–a way to add new features or abilities to the browser. (Yes, Firefox has had this for a long, long time. I recently switched to Safari to try and find a more stable browser–Firefox 3.x kept crashing, perhaps more accurately Flash or another plug-in kept crashing.)

With version 5.01, Apple turned on the ability to have extensions by default (instead of having to turn on the debug menu).

Here are the ones I’ve added in (from Apple’s official Extensions Gallery, though I’ve known about Safari Extensions from day one).

  • Awesome Screenshot: “…capture, annotate, and share screenshots with a click. You can crop, show area dimensions, annotate with shapes and text, and blur your screenshot.”
  • Better Source: “BetterSource shows the document source in a new tab, with line numbers, and colour syntax highlighting.”
  • Reload Button: “This extension adds a reload button that you can move anywhere in the Safari toolbar.”
  • Ultimate Status Bar “An elegant and informative status bar alternative for Safari.”

And the one I really want to work, but always seems to bog down Safari :( is: