Cataclysm Warcraft Bucket List

I’m probably crazy…ok, so, I know I’m crazy. I’ve been playing since 2006 (I think), and the 9 months or so before a major update have been, well, boring. Warcraft is mostly a game of grinding–doing the same thing over and over again, whether it be raiding, leveling characters, gaining reputation and so on.

So in the months leading up to the release of Cataclysm, I’ve come up with an informal bucket list.

  • Completed: Get both of my level 80 characters geared for end-game raiding
  • Completed: Complete the Loremaster achievement and get the Seeker title on my Druid.
  • On my Druid, achive exalted reputations with:
    • Cenarion Expedition
    • Frenzyheart (I really should have done this a long time ago)
    • Argent Dawn (this should be relatively easy, I’ve already done quite a bit of the grind, and I haven’t completed the 3 dungeons that award rep for Argent Dawn)