Numb3rs Over?

Numb3rs Cast

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Numb3rs Cast

Source: CBS Interactive
Used under terms of use.

Numb3rs: Charlie and Amita's Wedding

One of the shows I’ve really enjoyed watching over the last six years has been Numb3rs on CBS. It’s a show about a math whiz that helps his FBI brother solve cases using mathematics, science and engineering. It started off a little hokey at first, but then the writing steadily improved and it soon became one of my favorite TV shows. Numb3rs was a great blend of action and thinking–with intelligent dialogue and a bit of engineering, mathematics and science.

When I was watching my Tivo recording of the Season 6 Finale, I had an eerie sense that the series might be ending. They quickly wrapped up a couple hanging story lines and had some of the major characters leaving to take new positions–Charlie and Amita getting married and leaving for a visiting professorship at Cambridge (hey I’ve been there!), Don proposing to Robin, David leaving to head up a team in Washington, D.C., and so on.

After the show was over I did some quick searches and found a couple of articles that speculated that yes, the season finale of Numb3rs was indeed the series finale. The series hasn’t been picked up for a seventh season, and Rob Morrow and David Krumholtz have been cast as the leads in new pilots scheduled to air this fall.
