Pinch me, my car is finally registered in Massachusetts!

This really would be “Friday Funny” if it wasn’t true…

I can prove I own my car…five months later… and now I can prove my car is also registered in Massachusetts! So, after another month and a half, I’ve managed to get Massachusetts car insurance and register my car with the Registry of Motor Vehicles.

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See, a Massachusetts License Plate

Source: Brandon

See, a Massachusetts License Plate

I was a little concerned about the registration. The State of Massachusetts is fairly aggressive about trying to collect taxes–which probably stems from the fact that in New England, there are a number of states that are very close together where I could have purchased my car. The way I was reading the forms, if I couldn’t prove that I purchased my car out-of state (in my case California in 2004), they would try and collect sales tax on the purchase. Thankfully that process went very smoothly.

Actually the only hiccup in the hour long process was the fact that the RMV only takes check or cash for car registrations (but credit cards for other transactions like your driver’s license). Go figure.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]