Office Depot…Delivers?

Well, it seems Office Depot figured out how to deliver to my home address.

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Office Depot Delivers

Source: Consumerist
Used Under User Agreement

Office Depot Delivers

Office Depot: Did you get the samples I sent yesterday? Let me know when you have a chance. Thanks!

Me: Yep, they arrived yesterday. Just wondering, what did you need to do to get them delivered?

Office Depot: To be quite honest, I have no idea. I basically just emailed my transportation department your order number and address info and told them not mess up this time around. So I’m not sure, but at least you got everything!

Me: What would be helpful, would be how to make sure if I place an order in the future, you (or someone else) doesn’t need to get involved to get the delivery. I’m not sure if that’s setting up a specific notes in a delivery location (I seem to recall that Office Depot has some word/phrase for these in BSD).

Office Depot: We should be good to go from now on. If there is any issues, please reach out to me directly instead of our customer service team.

Hrm, maybe it’s time to order that pen…What do you think?

(I’ve documented my previous experiences with Office Depot Fail.)[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]