Thanks Again Microsoft

Ok, fail Microsoft.

I’m trying to participate in a LiveMeeting — but Microsoft doesn’t think my modern web browsers on a Mac are worthy. Namely Safari 4.0 and Firefox 3.5 are not on the supported platforms.

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Mac's Aren't Worthy :(

Source: Brandon/LiveMeeting

Mac's Aren't Worthy :(

The relevant list of LiveMeeting supported platforms are:
Firefox 2.0 Windows XP SP2 Sun® 1.5.11, 1.6.x
Safari 2.0™ MAC OS® X V10.4 Apple® Java™ 1.4.2
Safari 1.3™ MAC OS® X V10.3 Apple® Java™ 1.4.2

Huh? Welcome to 2005? [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]