SpokenMedia Presentations-Early August 2009

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I’m halfway through my marathon two-week, around the world trip. I’m not dead yet, but I think I flew over it sometime on Saturday/Sunday.

I gave three presentations (2009 Technology for Education Workshop, Microsoft Research India and IEEE Computer Society Bangalore Section) while in India, basically the same one–but in three different durations. First was 20 minutes, then 5 minutes and then an hour. Needless to say by the third one, I had things down pat.

My presentation to the IEEE-CS Bangalore Section was also the best presentation of the three–I was able to spend the time to present the material, and got great questions from the audience. I’m really annoyed at myself that I didn’t record the presentation, it would have made a great slidecast.

I’m embedding the first presentation, the one with a slidecast, below.

Credits: Brandon Muramatsu, Andrew McKinney, Philip Long and John Zornig.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License
Cite as: Muramatsu, B., McKinney, A., Long, P.D., and Zornig, J. (2009). SpokenMedia Project: Media-Linked Transcripts and Rich Media Notebooks for Learning and Teaching. Presentation at the 2009 Technology For Education Workshop: Bangalore, India, August 4, 2009. Retrieved August 11, 2009 from Slideshare Web site: http://www.slideshare.net/bmuramatsu/spokenmedia-project-medialinked-transcripts-and-rich-media-notebooks-for-learning-and-teaching