How to annoy your customers–too much email

I’ve used for business cards and promotional postcards over the last couple years. Recently, the significantly ratcheted up their email trying to drum up business. Frankly, it comes across as desperate.

Since June 1, I’ve received 10 email messages, that works out to about one message every two days. In May and April I received like 9 email messages or one every 3-4 days. I’m sorry at that level it’s just spam. These are up 30% per month from even January and February. Yes, email is free to send, but you’ve reached the threshold where I think you’re just bugging me.

So, because they send coupons, I’ve just configured my email program to send the messages directly to trash. My email trash automatically deletes itself every 30 days, so I can still go back and find a coupon, but I don’t see them overwhelming my inbox. Their loss.