Opt out!

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Stack of Mail

Photo Credit: @lanibarbitta/flickr, cc-by-nc-sa

Stack of Mail

Slashdot had a link to a useful article on the World Privacy Forum’s Top Ten Opt Outs.

Since I moved in 2004-2005 to Utah I have been working very hard to reduce the amount of junk mail I receive and that I have to recycle. I do a pretty good job at keeping things under control. But when I get a chance I’ll run through all the items on the site listed above.

Edit: So I just checked my mailbox and by far the most junk mail I receive are the “local” mailings that are sent to every address. You know them, the weekly supermarket circulars, and the like. I think there are two big bundles per week that get sent to my address–I wonder if these things even work? To my knowledge there’s no way of stopping this kind of junk mail. I’ve been sorting my mail before I walk upstairs to my apartment–after a couple weeks I just recycle the lot of this crap. /sigh[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]