Cool Photo Effects: Tilt Shift


Found a link to a web-app/desktop app TiltShift Generator. (You can do this all in Photoshop, but I’m not really that good nor patient enough to try.)

From Wikipedia on tilt-shift miniature faking is a process in which a photograph of a life-size location or object is manipulated so that it looks like a photograph of a miniature scale model (see also tilt shift photography).

One of the comments on the original post, is that this technique is often applied to poorly chosen photos (hopefully I *haven’t* done this.) Another commenter notes that by having a separate app for this the technique has gotten trendy (probably like HDR and its various techniques).

Below are two sets with the original photo on the left, and after a little manipulation the tilt shifted image on the right (though what I did was more of get a cool effect than accurately do a tilt-shift image).


Photo Credits: Brandon