muraPOI: October 8, 2012

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  • It’s Not About You: The Truth About Social Media Marketing: Awesome article by Tim O’Reilly.

    It was difficult for me to pull out quotes from Tim’s article, there’s so much goodness there. I encourage everyone to read the full thing.


    In short, the secret of promotion in the age of social media isn’t to promote yourself. It’s to promote others. Success comes when your success depends on the success of your customers, your suppliers, your end-users, and when you spend more of your time thinking about them than about yourself.

    And this is something I was talking about last week, how do we move to “practice areas” from silo’d, traditional departments. Can we do it in a traditional university, in a fast enough, big enough way.

    We have grouped our products not by product type (books, conferences, apps, research and other services) but by what we call “practice areas.” Practice areas are focused on communities of users whom we bring together and serve. Our goal is to amplify their effectiveness and their success. Our products just happen to be the way we do it.

    All of this is by way of saying that the right way to energize social media isn’t to try to find people to tout your products. It’s to find people who care about the same things you do, and to tell a story that amplifies their voice because it helps people who haven’t yet heard the word also come to know and care. In fact, the products you create should be by and for that community.

    (Via LinkedIn, October 2, 2012)

  • Why I got Fired from Facebook (a $100 Million dollar lesson): Two (of three) lessons learned by Noah Kagan stand out to me.

    It’s more nuanced than that of course, but shameless self-promotion with nothing to back it up == bad! Merging this in with what Tim says == good!

    “Lesson learned: The BEST way to get famous is make amazing stuff. That’s it. Not blogging, networking, etc.”

    It is about you, but not in the way that many people think. Keep creating value, and evolving.

    “Lesson learned: Go see if your weaknesses are hindering you at your job. Ie. I wasn’t great at planning or product management at this time. Fix them or move to another position. Also, constantly ask yourself how can I make the company more valuable. You do that and you will never get fired*. *unless you do something really stupid or the company goes out of business.”

    (Via Ellen Wagner, @edwsonoma, October 1, 2012)

  • Speaking for Yourself: How to price your services for a speaking engagement, “here’s one fella’s incredibly opinionated guide to getting a smarter start in speaking for dough.” Know your value, needs and price. A good read, and great way to end the trifecta about you and communicating.

    (Via Marco Arment, September 30, 2012)