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Too Much to Organize Still!

Photo Credit: seanstayte/flickr, cc-by-nc-sa

Too Much to Organize Still!

…I’ve managed to get my inbox down to 12 messages total and 2 unread messages. I leave messages in my inbox to show me the stuff I need to work on in the next day or week. (The dirty secret is I have 46 starred messages, for stuff I want to get around to doing within a month or two…though some of them have been there since February. Shh! Don’t tell anyone.)

Let’s see what else:

  • I have 275 items to file on my computer. I hope to do that cleanup by the end of November, usually every 4-6 months I have this sort of filing to do.
  • I have 42 draft posts to finish on this website. I’ll probably only ever write 80% of them, and my goal is to clear through this backlog by the end of the year.
  • I have 100 items in my “Post Me” folder that I intended to write something about. I’d like to sort through this by the end of the year and write up at least 80% of those resulting posts by then as well. But I have a feeling I’ll end the year, and start the next, with a backlog of posts to write.
